Teresa Anderson opened Slice of Heaven Educational Farm in 2018 after working with animals and children in various aspects (camps, swim lessons, Pony Club and more) for over 15 years. The farm is the culmination of a lifelong dream to create a special place where schools and families could have a safe environment to engage in interactive learning about animals, agriculture, and environmentally sustainable practices.
Guests can also:
Take a ride in our tractor-pulled barrel train.
Tour the farm in a horse or tractor pulled wagon.
Touch the sky on our in-ground jump pillow.
While visitors are having fun around the farm, they’re still learning, because we don’t do learning like your average classroom. Questions like “Why does that turkey’s head change colors? Why do we need rain? Why are worms important to the environment?” and a host of other things you haven’t thought about in years are what we talk about daily. We love teaching our communities, making kids smile, and watching the joy on faces when they hear Zeus bray, hold a bunny for the first time, or watch a baby chick hatch.
Take a break and enjoy some of our games: