Become a Partner

Become A Partner

Prospective Partners

I want to tell you about a place that is very special to me – Slice of Heaven Educational Farm, in Holland, TX. The Farm is the lifelong dream of creating a special place where schools, organizations, and families can have a safe environment to engage in interactive learning about animals, agriculture, and environmentally sustainable practices. It is a place where fun and learning go together, in a natural classroom setting. Imagine the wonderment and joy of young and old:

  • Playing with baby goats and sheep
  • Watching chicks hatch or getting freshly laid eggs for breakfast
  • Riding in a horse-drawn wagon across a freshly cut hay field
  • Helping tend the vegetable and herb garden
  • Catching that first fish
  • Making homemade butter

These educational and experiential opportunities, and so much more, are the heart of our mission.

2022 has been a great year for our Farm, as we worked to overcome the challenges of the ice storm and ongoing pandemic effects. Most importantly, we achieved our 501(c)(3) status. A significant milestone! We have implemented many improvements to the Farm and were able to offer unique educational programs, in addition to our school field trips and summer Farm Camps. Highlights

of our year include:

  • Hosting 3,300+ kids for school field trips and summer Farm Camps
  • Teaching life skills to 18-22-year-old special needs individuals
  • Establishing a special mentor program with Temple High School Ag Department
  • Assisting 27 graduating seniors at Texas A&M University-Central Texas complete

       their capstone consulting project

  • Bringing our precious disabled sheep – Moses – to the farm and raising funds to

        provide him with a wheelchair so he can move about

  • Getting our horse drawn carriage out to public events
  • Adding additional bathroom facilities to better accommodate large groups
  • Hosting several fundraising events

Through our kids’ programs, Field trips, and Saturdays on the Farm, we’ve been able to impact a greater number of people this past year. However, ongoing financial challenges have a significant impact. We’ve had to defer important maintenance projects and we’ve had to lean more heavily on volunteers to run Farm operations. That simply isn’t sustainable long term. We will need to hire additional staff for critical operations such as animal feeding, program leadership, and volunteer recruitment / coordination.

We are truly excited about the future of our Farm, and we would love for you to be a part of that future. Your support will help us to continue serving those we have in the past and the thousands more we believe we can impact each year. I’ve included an outline of our sponsorship and donation structure with this letter. In addition to financial support, we also need volunteers for Farm events and recurring maintenance.

I’d love to talk with you about the Farm, answer any questions you may have, and host you for a visit.

It is truly a Slice of Heaven for me, and I hope it will become a special place for you too!


Teresa Anderson

Director, Slice of Heaven Educational Farm

2025 Partnership Levels

(monetary or in-kind support)

  • Gold - $5000

    • Logo displayed on front fence sign, website, and facebook post
    • Logo displayed on barrel train
    • FREE private event for 2 hours 50 people
    • Merchandise Certificate $250
    • Guest Passes-8
    • Animal Feed Cups-8
    • 501(c)3 Donation
  • Gold - $2500

    • Logo Display Arena Fence Sign and Website
    • Merchandise Certificate $150
    • 6 Free Guest Passes 
    • 6 Free Animal Feed Cups
    • 501(c) Donation
  • Bronze $1000

    • Logo Displayed on Wagon Sign
    • Merchandise Certificate $50
    • 4 Free Guest Passes 
    • 4 Free Animal Feed Cups
    • 501(c)3 Donation
  • Farmer-$1000 or more

    4 Free Guest Passes

    4 Free Animal Feed Cups

    501(c) Donation

  • Farm Friend - $500-$999

    • Name added to our Friends' Board in the Classroom
    • 2 guest passes and animal feed cups
    • 501(c)3 donation receipt
  • Barnyard Buddy - $25- $499

    • Name added to our Friends' Board in the Classroom
    • 501(c)3 donation receipt
  • NEW - Monthly Donation

    Partners can now opt to give a monthly gift.  An automatic invoice will be set up via Square.  You will have the option to have your donation automatically withdrawn or to be invoiced each month.

    Your benefits will be based on your annual gift and awarded once the level is reached.

How do I become a Partner?

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. 

You can even select your own amount! 

Please complete the Partner Contribution Card. 

Links for payment are found below the form. 

Thank you!

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