In consideration for riding horses in lessons given by our Instructors and Slice of Heaven educational Farm or a locaton of our choosing, I fully assume the risks of the Student's participation in equestrian sports, and accept full and complete responsibility for the safety of the Student , any guests or observers, and personal property. I hereby give up and waive any claims, whether now existing or arising in the future, against Slice of Heaven Educational Farm, owners, their agents, employees and/or volunteers as a result of damage, injury or loss to the Student or the Student's property, from any cause whatsoever, while the Student is riding, unattended or in lessons. I futher agree to indemnify and hold harmless: Teresa L. Anderson, Slice of Heaven Educational Farm, their agents, employees and/or volunteers against any, and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, including the costs of defending any such claim, which might arise from the injyry or damage to any other person, their property or animals as a result of the Student's participation in riding or lessons at Slice of Heaven Educational Farm or another location of Our choosing.